Kelly this is amazing - thank you! When I read the hat thing, I actually went ooh out loud! Totally going to do this later.

I did already know this, but today’s post cemented this for me - I totally see myself reflected in this newsletter. And it is SO REFRESHING - so thank you! Genuinely unlike everything else I follow across the entire Internet and I really genuinely look forward to your posts and seeing your thought for analysis which 90% of the time I agree with! I have followed you closely since C&C and your initial engagement post (sorry - trigger warning😢) and have followed so closely ever since!

I also love Taylor Swift. I love faerie smut (just finished thrones of glass oh my God - and, I thought it was BETTER than ACOTAR - discuss??? A bit less cringey and less use of “toe curling”?)

also - I’m so fucking tired. I’m 35. I’m in my dream job. I’ve just moved to Canada with my boyfriend, but I am just “fucking knackered”, as we say in Britain” is anyone else?? and I talk to my friends, we’re all just so tired - and I just don’t know what the answer is? I’ve worked really hard to get to be this level at work. I don’t wanna drop a grade because I’m so used to the money now but also part of me thinks is it just gonna get worse and more responsibility I get? Or do we just learn to manage it? Not expecting answers just thinking out loud sorry, brain dump LOL.

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*thoughtful analysis

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Thank you for sharing about your career coaching experience! Do you think it would be fitting for someone who has no idea what they want to do next, or better for someone who has ideas but can’t make a decision?

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Thank you for the recs on coaching ! I will definitely try the guided meditation video ! Today is the first day I am (voluntarily) without a job...

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I had a deep career-driven existential crisis in the summer of 2022 and spent the back half of the year and most of 2023 working with a career coach. I truly cannot recommend it enough! Like Kelly, I was driven by the homework assignments and felt that the fog had lifted after a few sessions. We did A LOT of very woo-woo visualizations that I was very skeptical of at first but was shocked at how much clarity they brought me. I recognize that it's a privilege to be able to afford, but it was worth the investment 10x over.

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thank you for posting the video with the guided meditation! i am excited to try it out later. i am currently in the process of potentially switching careers and it’s a doozy!

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